• Since the dawn of selling, sales has always been social. But with advancements on the internet, the rise of social media platforms and the shift in buying behaviours, it’s become more critical than ever before to increase social interactions if you expect to succeed in the world of sales. Social selling is the way of the future in business. Whether you’re selling B2B or B2C, social selling is now one of the best ways to generate new leads and lock down new business.

    In fact, businesses that utilize social selling hit their sales quotas far more often, beat out their competitors, generate qualified prospects, and build long-lasting relationships with customers. In order to become a social selling all-star, here are few tips you should be using.

    Start Slow

    Aggressively jumping onto social media platforms to sell is the wrong way to go about social selling. Each platform has its own unwritten rules. So, before you start interacting with prospects, you need to spend some time learning the ropes, learning the do’s and don’ts, and finding out which types of social behaviours work, and which ones will get you a bad reputation.


    No one wants to be sold to and this is especially true on social media. Before you even hint at a sale, you must first start to engage with other users. Join groups and communities on Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Facebook and other sites that are related to your business. Find a common interest and start chatting to gain users’ trust, and engage them in meaningful conversations before you try to sell anything to anyone.


    To understand prospects’ needs and wants, take some time to listen to what’s being said across a variety of platforms. This will allow you to identify qualified prospects and be able to give them what they need.


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    Be Personable

    People use social media to connect with other people, not machines, robots, or computers. Automated messages are a big no-no. When engaging potential customers, act friendly, be personable, be conversational, and don’t be aggressive. People want to buy from sales people that they genuinely like, not pushy ones.

    Provide Content

    One of the best ways to generate leads is to build your reputation, create brand awareness, and build trust. This can be done by providing insight and knowledge related to your industry. The more helpful you are by giving out free, useful, valuable information, the more other users will come to trust you as a fountain of knowledge—an expert in the industry. Because buyers and consumers are now doing independent research online about companies, brands, and products, you have the perfect opportunity to give them the information they seek so you can keep them moving through the sales pipeline.


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    Don’t Be Greedy

    If you’re only building connections with buyers for the sole intention of cold calling them later that day, you’re tactics are going to be far too obvious. Your prospects might be downright insulted thinking you’re using them just for a sale or a referral. Create long-lasting relationships before you even attempt to give them a sales pitch. You’ll come off as more genuine and honest.

    Be Patient

    Generating leads through social selling will take time and effort—just like any other sales strategy. You’ll need to put in the time every day to post content, engage new users, and converse with existing connections. Remember, you want to gain their trust and build credibility, and that doesn’t happen quickly.

    Taking your selling tactics to the web and social media is a great way to take advantage of the advancements of technology. After all, you should be using all the tools you can to make deals and generate leads. However, be mindful of your social selling techniques. Start off slowly, engage prospects, be personable, honest, and genuine, and put in the required time and effort to truly see results.


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  • Though social media got a slow start in the business world, an increasing number of companies are now jumping on board the bandwagon, marketing their brand on sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and closing sales, too.

    However, beware, just because you have a presence on these sites doesn’t mean that you’re using this type of marketing correctly. There are many mistakes that small business owners make time and time again, thinking that they’re effectively marketing their companies, when in fact, they’re either being completely ineffective or, worse, harming their image.

    Here are some of the most common social media mistakes to avoid.

    1. Branding Inconsistently

    If you’re active on a lot of different sites, then you could become a perpetrator of inconsistent branding. Presenting a consistent brand across all of your profiles and messaging is critical. People should make no mistake that your Twitter profile, your Facebook profile, and your website are all connected entities. You shouldn’t be easy going and casual on one site and strict and professional in your content on another. You shouldn’t use vastly different images, logos, or backgrounds. You shouldn’t use different keywords or core descriptions either. And your information shouldn’t vary. Consistency is key to building awareness and credibility.

    2. Being All Over the Board

    Is your company active on half a dozen sites? Do you jump on every new platform that comes out on the market? If so, you’re making a mistake. You shouldn’t be spreading yourself thin among several different sites. You won’t be able to keep up with activity and your efforts will fall short.


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    3. Being Where Your Audience Isn’t

    What’s the point in marketing your brand, products, or services on platforms that your audience doesn’t use? Your messaging will fall on deaf ears. It’ll be a waste of resources, time, and effort. Before you jump into social media, do some research to find out where your audience hangs out online. Focus on the platforms that your buyer personas would use, and ignore the rest.

    4. Not Having a Strategy

    Small business owners are the most common offenders of this mistake. They go in head first, without first taking a step back to develop a strategy. They start following random people, sharing irrelevant content, and liking comments for no reason. This won’t get you anywhere. Each account you create should have its own unique strategy. Figure out what your purpose is of being on these sites. Creating a strategy will help guide your efforts so you see success.

    5. Being Active Inconsistently

    If you start using social media marketing, you have to stick to it. You have to be consistent if you want to see results. Social media is about being social, and it takes time to establish and build relationships. If you’re not engaging on these platforms frequently or consistently, your efforts will fall short.

    6. Not Responding to Comments

    If you’re too busy for social media marketing, don’t do it. Because the last thing you want to do is ignore your profiles for weeks or months at a time—because as a result, you’ll be ignoring your prospects and customers. If someone comments on your post, asks you a question, writes a review, or otherwise engages with you, you must respond quickly and thoughtfully. You never want to create the perception that you’re too good to engage with your audience.

    7. Excessively Self-Promoting

    We cannot stress this enough: social media is about being social. It’s about communicating, building relationships, and humanizing your brand. It is not about excessive self-promotion. There are do’s and don’ts to follow for self-promotion. If you only use your profiles to aggressively try to sell products or services, your followers will quickly disappear. Always remember that social media is not your advertising platform. This is the biggest mistake you can make.


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  • Generating hot leads is vital for the growth of your business. Considering the fact that your website is the hub of all your digital marketing activities, it’s only natural that you use it to its fullest in order to get hot leads. When visitors are on your website, it is your prime opportunity to impress them and nurture them. You shouldn’t be wasting any opportunities to gain new customers. Here are just some of the ways you can use your company website to get hot leads.

    Provide Valuable Content

    During the decision-making process, prospects are going to consume a lot of online content to help them decide what to purchase and from which company. Customers now want to be fully informed and in charge of their own purchasing decisions. If you’re providing valuable content on your site, in the form of blog posts, e-books, white papers, infographics, and other types of articles, you can lead these prospects to consider your company first. When you are a knowledgeable source of information, prospects will start to see you as a leader in the industry. Not only will this content build brand awareness and recognition, it will also build credibility and trust.


    When you use search engine optimization throughout your site, search engines will reward you by ranking you higher on their result pages. So, when users search for products or services like the ones you offer, they will see your company website pop up at the top of the list of options to choose from. This will make them more likely to click on your link and visit your site instead of your competitor’s. Using search engine optimization is one of the best ways to get hot leads to your website.


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    Landing Pages

    When people find your site, they should be directed to tailored landing pages that are direct, short, and targeted to your core demographic. When users are first directed to a landing page, they can take in the information you’re trying to give them without distraction so they can focus on your message.

    Your landing pages should contain calls to action that convince users to provide you with their contact information in exchange for some type of valuable content that they want to read during their decision-making process. Once you have their contact information, you can follow up with them to nurture them and turn them into loyal customers.

    Contact Information

    You never know how visitors will find your company website or which page they will enter from. In order to improve your conversion rate, you should be adding your contact information on every page of your website. You want to make it easy for visitors to contact you, so make your contact info large, clear, and distinct from the rest of your website copy.

    Live Chat

    When you add a live chat box on your site, you’ll be amazed at how many hot leads you can generate. The digital world has made people impatient, so it’s vital that when a lead contacts you that you respond as soon as possible. If you wait too long, that person will move on to your competitor rather than wait for a response or try to contact you again. With a live chat box, you can instantly connect with your site visitors when they need you. They don’t need to wait for answers, so you’ll be more likely to win them over.

    Nurture Your Leads

    You can’t let your website visitors do all the work. You need to be ready to nurture the people who come to your website through tailored marketing messages and content. If you ignore them after they’ve visited your site, you’re increasing the chances of you losing out on hot leads. Use real-time data and website analytics to track and analyze your visitors’ behaviours so you can more effectively nurture them and turn them into customers.


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  • While putting together a website for your business, what are the aspects you look for? Often the content, the design etc get priority. Right? Well, you are not alone. While deciding to work on a website, often web hosting does not get the attention and value it deserves.

    But the truth is without the top quality web hosting your website will suffer on many fronts such as SEO and up time. Thus it is of utmost importance to choose the best web hosting services for your website. How to do it? You can always contact SaaS development company IT Dev Group, who will do all the work for you.

    We have the top 5 tips for choosing the best Word Press web hosting service provider:

    • The first and foremost step toward choosing the best web hosting is to understand your needs completely. What kind of a website you want to build? Whether it’s a blog or a shopping site or a company website? These questions are vital for choosing the best web hosting service provider, as different provider has different specialties that you use if you understand your needs completely. For example, LinkedHosts provides various web hosting services. While one is really cost efficient, the other one provides you great up time. Now if you are sure what you require from your web hosting service you can choose wisely. You can check our detailed instruction whether to choose free blog hosting or paid hosting, which one is better for new bloggers.
    • When it comes to Word Press Web hosting compatibility and ease of installation are the two basic features to look for. Now JustHost, Arvixe and WebHostingHub are three most popular hosting services offered by LinkedHosts. This top 3 WordPress Hosting choices offers you with great compatibility and one click installation. Thus even if you have no prior idea of managing a website, you can install and manage your website on your own. Also all these three services are 100% compatible with WordPress.
    • JustHost: Known for its superbly economic rate and quality services, JustHost is one the top 3 WordPress Hosting choices available in the market today. If cheaper price is not sufficient to get you on board, the company provides you with a free domain for one year. While the hosting services of the company is being worldwide with great reputation, JustHost also offers $50 Facebook advertising credits, $100 Google Adwords credits and $25 Yahoo!/Bing Adwords credits to its customers for promotional purpose. The payment mode is also secure and easy. You can the company through PayPal and Cerdit Cards and can also ask for a 30 days refund in case of dissatisfaction.
    • Arvixe: If you are looking for great up time the Arvixe should be your choice of hosting. The company has been providing hosting services for ten years now and is famous for providing 99.9% up time. Equipped with several SAS type II certified data centres and high performance servers with awesome power back up, this hosting service has a record of never disappointing its users. To add to that the superior 24/7 customer service that the company offers places it on top of the thousands other average hosting company.
    • WebHostingHub: WebHostingHub is one company that offers the most number of features. An extremely reliable hosting company, WebHostingHub provides free CloudFlare Content Delivery Network to deliver the website data in 20+ data centers worldwide. Thus this company provides the highest page loading seed, which will make your customers more than happy. Another great feature is its 143% faster HTML loading speed. The customer support of this company is also very reputed. With 24/7 technical support through mail, chat or telephone, the users have got no reasons to complain.

    Now, that you know the the top 3 WordPress Hosting choices available to you in the market, choosing the right one should be very easy for you. Just consider your priorities and then go for the one that best suits your needs.

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