• Android Wear smartwatches benefit a vocation of conveying warnings and different alarms to your wrist, however the fun truly begins when you begin downloading applications that include significantly more usefulness. In spite of the fact that the determination of Android Wear applications is little for the present (only more than 200), there are as of now some really convincing choices in the Google Play store. You can arrange nourishment, control the lights in your home, watch your wellness and that’s only the tip of the iceberg — right from your watch.

    Before you get going, you’ll have to download the full applications to your Android telephone. The best part is that a large portion of these choices are free. You’ll have to verify you’ve set up a record in every administration before you open the applications on the smartwatch. Here are the best Android Wear applications as such.

    1 – Wear Aware

    In case you’re always losing your telephone, this application is only the fix you require — if affixing the gadget to your jeans pocket is excessively great of an answer, that is.

    At whatever point your telephone goes out of scope of your Android Wear gadget, said smartwatch will buzz.

    It’s as straightforward as that. In the event that you require a somewhat of an assistant to then discover your cell phone, you can likewise have the application advise your cell phone to begin impacting an alert.

    In the event that you can’t think that its then, well, you most likely need more help than an application can give.

    2 – At Work

    What amount of would you say you are working? Excessively.

    All things considered, in the event that you need to make sense of exactly the amount of time you’re spending on the clock, then At Work gives you a chance to punch in for the day on your smartwatch — which fundamentally just begins a clock.

    When you’re set, you punch out, and the cell phone will give you a little evidence of to what extent you met expectations.

    Little entrepreneurs and independent specialists may discover this application essential.

    3 – Slumber for Android Wear

    Granted, you can set your Android Wear watch to be dependably on, importance the face is constantly lit up.

    Be that as it may, when it’s the ideal time for bed, you need to go in and change that setting — that is, you must do that unless you have Slumber for Android Wear.

    This application fills your watch’s face with a dark screen when it’s opportunity to rest.

    It’s still in “dependably on” mode; it’s equitable not exactly as splendid.


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    4 – Calculator for Android Wear

    This present one’s simple. The application drops a simple to-get to adding machine on your smartwatch, giving every one of you the forces of extravagant reckoning readily available.

    In case you’re attempting to compute a tip, or what number of somethings are in something else, you’ll no more need to achieve down for your cell phone to make sense of things.


    5 – l.ist

    The benefits of a physical bit of paper are that you can rapidly take it out of your pocket, scribble something down on it, stuff it back in and effortlessly pull it move down when you need to check what you composed.

    The upsides of an Android note-taking application are computerized recollections that can be gotten to from various spots and never lose all sense of direction in the wash.But you do need to experience some more of a procedure to open your telephone, open your notes application, look to the note you need to take a gander at, and tap on the subject of the note to draw up the full points of interest.


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  • These days competition is very high or I can say that competition is everywhere. In earlier days it was not like that, there was less number of competitors, so it was very easy to sustain in the market. But now a days the competition has grown to a great extent that you have to be alert every minute in your business otherwise you will not be able to survive in this market. So you don’t have to compromise on your quality. ERP development company IT DEV Group will help you with this.

    These days social bookmarks submissions are in great demand. Though it is a brain teaser job and also time taking but on the other hand it is very effective also. As it is a best way to enhance website traffic of your site. As social bookmark submissions has gained popularity and has become very convenient method of getting internet users to your site.

    You have to be very careful and particular whenever you want to submit your blog or any website to any social bookmark submission sites. There are two ways of submitting your blog or websites. Either you do it manually or through your automated software. This automated software’s are very helpful and easy to tackle as they save lots and lots of time and they can reduce your stress of on time submissions. But on the other hand submitting your blogs or websites manually has so many advantages. The various advantages are your blog, websites or data will be mistake free and on the other hand you will  check whether your post or website has been posted to the social bookmark submission sites or not.

    In the initial days there were so many social bookmark submission sites. But now a day’s their number has been reduced as they have been closed. The main reason for their closing is submissions of your post, websites and blogs through automated software. So this shows that manual submission for your blog, websites and posts has great advantage because will have a constant check on your submissions. If you want to get your blogs, websites and data submitted correctly, manual submission is the only way.

    The automated software submissions are considered to be worst as it will reduce your market value. They can even reduce your reputation and rupture your business. It will reduce internet users from being enrolled to your site. Now a day’s everybody wants quality work as there are so many other options are available to the customers that they can switch over to the next if you will not satisfy their demands.

    Your domain will definitely get banned if you will use automated software for your website submission to these reputed online social bookmark submission sites. Once you are banned you will not be able to access these submission sites ever again. Network building is also very important in these type of business, so you have to take care of that also.

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  • The main goal of every member of your sales team is closing the sale and bring in more revenue for the company. Those salespeople that excel get rewarded while those that come up short may not be employed long. But there is one member of your sales team that you may be neglecting: your website.

    Your website is the one member of your sales team that never takes a break, doesn’t complain about the quality of leads and does exactly what you tell it to do. Many decision makers in a company do not think about their company website as a sales agent but they should. By following a few simple tips you can greatly increase the qualified leads your website delivers to your sales team and that will increase the odd of them closing the sale.

    Here are three areas that you should focus improving on in order to assist your sales team in closing the sale.

    1. Content

    Content is king. You no doubt have heard this bit of marketing wisdom before and for good reason. Because it’s true. Without fresh, relevant content you company website is as good as dead. You will not be attracting the kind of qualified leads that your sales team depends on.

    Whether you create the content in house or outsource it there is no longer any excuse to not have spectacular, engaging content on your website.

    Start with your blog and make sure you continually post content that your readers will find valuable. This can be in the form of blog posts, instructional videos or infographics. Having a good mix of content type will keep your readers engaged and speak to different segments of your customer base.

    Offer in-depth content in the form of e-books, white papers or webinars in exchange for your readers contact information. These can then be placed in your leads list and begun to be nurtured through your sales process.


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    2. Landing Pages

    This is one of the most neglected areas of the lead generation process. A well designed landing page can greatly increase the number of leads you generate from your website. You should have a separate landing page for every single piece of downloadable content you offer to your prospects. Each landing page should be focused on one topic and be free from any distractions like banner ads, social media links or anything that will draw the readers attention away from filling out a form and downloading your content.

    Make your call to action (CTA) button stand out by using a bold color and a different font from the rest of the page. Make it clear what you want your reader to do (e.g.; fill out the form at the bottom with their name and email address).

    3. Call To Action

    You have spent a lot of time (and possibly money) to create awesome content but it can all be for naught if you don’t capitalize on it with a strong call to action. A strong CTA should be clear and brief. Something along the line of, “for more information on Product X click here for a free spec sheet” or “To be contacted by a representative complete this form.”

    Your readers are busy and possibly distracted so it is imperative that you spell out exactly what you want them to do.

    CTA’s should be included in every piece or content you publish. Never miss out on an opportunity generate new leads.

    By following these three tips you will turn your website into a lead generation machine and one of your top salespeople. The information that will be gathered will be invaluable to your sale team and will make closing the sale a much easier process.


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  • Social media has been boon for small businesses around the world. It has leveled the playing field and allowed these businesses to compete with (and beat) large corporations when it comes to marketing their goods and services.

    One of the most popular social media sites is Twitter. This one site has literally changes the way businesses market to their customers but also the way we consume media. The hashtag has become so ubiquitous that is now appears on every TV commercial and print ad that gets produced. Twitter is a powerful business platform but so many small businesses are not harnessing the full power of it or are doing it wrong. Below are five tips to help every small business use Twitter to the fullest.

    1. Use Scheduling Software

    One of the main complaints small business owners have about social media is that it takes a lot of time to do it right. Using social media management software like HootSuite or Tweetdeck will allow you to schedule Tweets days or even weeks in advance.

    Once you load up your tweets and schedule them you can continue on with your work. They will automatically go out at the scheduled time. But don’t just “set it and forget it.” Go back and check every hour or so to see what your customers and prospects are saying about your tweets. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to engage with your customers.


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    2. Use Twitter’s Search Engine

    You can use Twitter’s built in search engine to see what people are saying about you or your industry. Search for hashtags that are relevant to your business. Let’s say you sell running shoes. Searching for hashtags like #marathon, #5k or #workout will show you what people are saying about these topics.

    Use these searches to engage with other Twitter users. Do not launch directly into a sales pitch. This can turn many people off. Instead, provide information, answer question and show that you actually care about what people are talking about.


    3. Listen

    As a small business owner it is up to you to know what people are saying about you and your business. Do not just rely on alerts that let you know when someone uses your Twitter username. For instance, if your username is @BobsSneakers Twitter will notify you when it appears in a tweet. However, some people may use “Bob’s Sneakers” in their tweets without the “at” sign (@). Use the Twitter search engine to search for every variation of your name, including misspellings.

    Using this technique will give you a much broader view of what kinds of conversations are happening around your brand.


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    4. Twitter Is Not A Broadcast Station

    Many small business owners use Twitter like a classified ads section. They simply tweet out sales pitch after sales pitch with no regard to what their followers actually want. Most Twitter users are accustomed to getting sales pitches in their timeline but if that is all you are doing they will become tired of it and quickly unfollow you.

    Only about 25% of your tweets should be sales pitches. The other 75% should consist of customer engagement and sharing information that your followers will find valuable.


    5. Track Your Results

    Social media ROI can be difficult to track but there are things you can easily track on Twitter. One of the most obvious is the number of followers you have. Are they increasing? At what rate? If they are decreasing you need to figure out what you are doing to turn people off.

    You can also determine how many people click on the links you tweet out. HootSuite has a built in link shortened that will track the number of clicks a link gets. There is also the link shortening service bit.ly that offers the same service.

    Using these five tips will help your business use Twitter effectively and help grow your business.


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  • Online marketing can be pretty overwhelming. Technology is constantly changing. New tools are showing up on the market, new channels are taking the internet by storm, and new tactics are being hailed as best way to market your products and services online. But the Linkbox indexer tool usage remains the same. You don’t know which data to pay attention to and which new methods to hop on board with. You don’t want to waste your time, money, or resources on tactics that simply don’t work. Trying to uncover the digital landscape and keep up with constant changes can be stressful. You can quickly feel like your online marketing is spinning out of control. You might be trying your best but you’re just not seeing the results you’ve been hoping for.

    Relax. Breathe. Just follow these steps and you can regain control of your online marketing.

    Know Your Audience

    First things first: who are you marketing to on the web? Do you know which core demographic is more likely to buy what you’re offering? Is it soccer moms? Young professionals? Trendy teens? The more you know about your target audience, the better. Know the broad categories that make up your various audiences and then get down to the details to learn more about them. Do some market research if you’re unsure.

    Once you know who to zero in on, you’ll have a starting point for your online marketing. You’ll at least be able to shape your strategy based on who you’re targeting.

    Know Your Message

    Now, when it comes to online marketing, you can’t just throw out a bunch of unconnected, random messages into the internet universe and hope that people will listen. Although you can certainly try out several different messages and track and measure your success to see which ones work and which ones you should ditch, you should still have one very clear message for your audience. Your message needs to be about your solution and how it directly addresses your audience’s needs while appealing to their end goal.

    Choose Your Channels

    Once you have an audience and a message, you must figure out which marketing channels will be the most effective at helping you market your brand. It will be a waste of time to try to get your message across to your audience on channels they rarely or never use. You need to go where your core demographic hangs out online. Ask your current customers which social media sites, message boards, forums, and other digital spaces they often frequent. Find a commonality and that will be your starting point. You may use several marketing channels, but if you go overboard and use too many, you won’t have the time required to dedicate to each one for true effectiveness.

    Consider Your Content

    The content you use in your digital marketing campaign will need to be original, useful, relevant, and interesting. It’s your one way of reeling in your prospects and customers and connecting with them. Make sure you put quality over quantity and share content that your audience will seek out and want to discover. This could be how-to videos, infographics, industry statistics and trends, company news, or anything else that might be valuable to your core demographic. Your content is supposed to position you as a thought leader and build trust and credibility, so make sure it’s great.

    Stay Current with Online Marketing Trends

    When it comes to online marketing, what works today might be totally irrelevant and outdated tomorrow. To truly excel in digital marketing and reach results, you have to stay ahead of the game to gain a competitive advantage. Stay up to date on the newest trends channels, and tactics to ensure you’re not falling behind. You won’t be able to use the same strategy forever. You will need to adapt.

    Follow these core steps and you’ll have control of your online marketing in no time.

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