• How To Follow Up With Customers Using A CRM

    As a salesperson, we understand that success blooms from following up with our clients. The essential factor that supports a strong foundation is communication – good communication in a client relationship, especially in a timely fashion. Leading software development company in USA adheres to this principle.

    The average amount of client interactions it takes before mending a strong relationship into a sales opportunity is 8 to 9. This does not mean bothering or badgering our prospects until they agree to our terms of action, but keeping a steady tab on their condition and their purchase feedback. Sales people usually become befuddled once a client decides to leave or cancel their services after the first few interactions. This is because they lacked feedback. This is feedback in the client interaction before, during, and after the sales process.

    Most importantly, time is everything, so here are some tips to perform successful follow-ups:

    • Obtain the client’s information – Once you obtain the information needed for the sales purchase, then inquire about contacting them about update. If yes or no, you should then offer to schedule a follow up in the next few days for customer assurance.
    • Remind client of the follow up – Send a reminder email or text. This helps both you and the client reconfirm the meeting, plus it provides an inbox note of recognition that the follow up was confirmed and that you have a way of contact established.
    • Thank the client for the follow up – Approximately 24 to 48 hours after the follow up meeting; send an email to thank them for the time they sacrificed to be at the follow up meeting. Describe what prescribed and confirm another scheduled follow up. Use this opportunity to inquire any questions or concerns they may have as well, this can strengthen the interaction and make for more conversation.
    • Send needed materials or documents – Once the next meeting is scheduled, send the required documents in the allotted time promised and go over them briefly to prepare you for the next meeting. Confirm that they have received the materials and understand what is going on. Note: Be sure to add this meeting to your CRM calendar for future reference.
    • Leave it in writing – Email is a convenient mode of communication, but some age groups may not utilize their email accounts as often as they used to. Plus, written documentation has a more direct and personal relation than an email. Summarize the information provided and include information from the previous meetings for clarification, especially any questions or concerns that arose in the previous follow-ups. Time is important, as regular mail takes longer than electronic mail.
    • Thank you notes – Always thank your client in hand-written form (sale or not) within the few days after the last follow up meeting. If the client was not ready to purchase anything at that moment, provide them with your contact information in case they decide otherwise in the future. Not: Mark this in your CRM calendar and let them know you’ll be looking forward to talking with them in a few months or so.

    You will waste time, money, and effort if you do not contact your clients in a timely fashion. CRM is a great tool for keeping your company up-to-date and informed about all your clients and when to meet with them and send them appropriate information such as essential documents or thank you letters. Every business needs an organized system like CRM to maintain a successful enterprise. CRM helps salespeople manage their contacts and record every interaction along the way. This reaps control over the interactions and sales at the right time, enabling its users to schedule follow up meetings directly in the CRM system so that the company does not fall short of success.

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