• CRM system in IaaS, PaaS or SaaS: which to choose?

    Recently, issues related to the implementation of cloud information systems have attracted not only companies, but also government agencies in the CIS and around the world. But at the same time, most potential users are still poorly aware of the differences between the "cloud" as a technology of using server resources (computing power) and rental ("as a service") as a way to use software, particularly in the application of CRM-systems. And yet, this understanding plays an important role in the choice of which way to use a CRM solution.


    Let's try to understand this difficult question. What is the most profitable way for a company to use a CRM system?

    According to a document issued by a group of experts for the European Commission, which attempted to systematize experience in building cloud systems, "the cloud is a dynamically expandable information system that provides consumers with IT services with specified characteristics, if necessary, and allows the quality of service provision to be controlled according to the laid down metrics. You can also always use the services of development enterprise systems. You can also always use the services of enterprise systems development.

    So, as we can see, the main task of cloud technology is to provide the consumer with a quality service. And today there are several options for these services:

    • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - implies the provision of IT infrastructure (virtual server, storage and network infrastructure) to the customer for use. In this case, the CRM system can be installed on this infrastructure, which saves the company from having to create its own IT infrastructure if it does not exist, or upgrade it to connect and normally operate a new system if necessary. The IaaS model involves only leasing servers, which means that the responsibility for installing the operating system and working applications is assumed by the tenant, not the IaaS service provider;
    • platform as a service (PaaS) - the cloud service provider in this case provides the customer not only with the ability to host the IT infrastructure (servers), but also with a platform for software development and hosting. In this model, management is performed by the provider, and the client only has to put his CRM-system in the provided environment;
    • Software as a Service (SaaS) - as the name suggests, in this case, you rent a CRM system and use only the features you need. All the "hardware" is maintained by a cloud provider, the installation and functionality of the software is also responsible for it, 24/7 technical support and the updating of applications - for him. In this case, all you need to have is a web browser and a stable Internet connection to work fully with the system.

    A compelling argument in favor of using a cloud CRM solution is its security (due to the consolidation of computing resources, minimizing the "human factor" and strictly controlling access to the service) and stability (modern technology allows for full automatic control of the CRM system performance, as well as to take the necessary action in case of the slightest malfunction, thereby ensuring stable and trouble-free operation). If you choose the right service provider, these two indicators can even be much higher than when implementing your own IT infrastructure.

    Small businesses are most profitable to use a CRM solution on the SaaS model. After all, the main advantage of renting in this case - financial savings, consisting of lower capital costs for the purchase of server software + savings in operating costs, allocated for adjustment + maintenance and updating of the CRM-system, including the cost of employee salaries.

    By renting a CRM system in the cloud, you can significantly reduce the amount of investment on the support and development of IT services within the company. Initially, you pay only for those resources and services that you really need, and subsequently you will incur relatively small recurring costs in the form of rent. The cost of cloud CRM solutions can be as little as a few thousand rubles per month, so your budget can be clearly planned in advance and you can control it.

    Another important advantage of using a CRM system on the SaaS model is the time factor. The starting time for its launch in this case is reduced many times: you can start using the solution immediately after purchase, and this is a great competitive advantage in a dynamically changing environment.

    Medium-sized companies have more opportunities to use a CRM system in the cloud than small companies. They can afford higher initial license costs and, as a rule, already have the infrastructure to host the system. However, the use of a cloud solution can provide them with undeniable advantages.

    In particular, by using a cloud solution, a medium-sized company can improve its efficiency to a much greater extent than a small company, largely due to mobility: access to a CRM solution running in the cloud is possible regardless of physical location and the device used, and the lack of binding to a specific workplace allows the company to significantly expand its horizons and increase the flexibility of its human resources policy. The company gets a greater degree of freedom in terms of the use of office and production facilities, as well as the ability to optimize rental costs through the use of different sites and savings on server rooms.

    Large companies are still in no hurry to move all their services to the cloud, fearing for data security and privacy. But still, they are no strangers to this concept. And they go two ways: either they build their own, internal, "cloud", or divide their business processes into those that can be moved to the "cloud" and those that should work on their own resources. At the same time, big business clearly sees its benefit in using cloud technology - the simplification of working with a particular application by eliminating the need to think about scaling and the complexities of managing and administering a software product.

    The banking sector, insurance, telecommunications companies, retail and transportation are moving more and more confidently towards using cloud-based CRM solutions every day. After all, in today's dynamic world with limited budgets and high market dynamics, it is very important for businesses to be able to scale their business instantly (i.e. meet demand as quickly as possible) and to be able to quickly reorient themselves with minimal cost. Therefore, there is no doubt that the future belongs to cloud solutions.

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